Sphero Team
Teacher using littleBits to teach empathy to kid.

Students take joy in sharing inventions that do something. Adding movement and motion helps bring their inventions to life and can even help someone else.

The servo is a motor that can swing back and forth, much like the windshield wipers on a car. In everyday life, servo motors are incorporated in robotics, construction equipment like a crane, and even in car engines. These tiny motors perform a number of precise tasks that make everyday machines super effective at their jobs.

There are a number of lessons and inventions to consider with the servo at littleBits Classroom. Adding a mechanical arm is a great way to make your inventions throw, wave, sweep, or point. Encourage student agency with helpful information about how individual Bits work so students feel confident finding and incorporating what they need into a given project. In planning your next lesson, give students a behind the scenes look at the servo with our latest Bit Basic video

The hand raiser is a lesson that seeks to solve a problem and help someone else. It also incorporates the servo circuit to add motion. In just one lesson you and your students will explore scientific definitions and content aligned to NGSS and learn empathy by coming to the aid of others.