STEAM Education Kits & Coding Robots For Students PK–12

Sphero is the #1 STEAM (STEM + Art) tool for hands-on, standards-aligned PK–12 learning. Sphero has a solution for every school and classroom with our single and multi-pack coding robots, littleBits, and Blueprint kits, as well as our professional development and curriculum for teachers. Shop All Education Products >

Coding Robots

Teach PK–12 learners computer science and STEM or add coding and fun to any subject.

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littleBits STEAM Kits

Snap-together electronic Bits that allow elementary learners to create with technology.

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Blueprint Engineering Kits

The most approachable and scalable tool to build engineering skills for middle and high school students.

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STEAM Education Kits & Coding Robots For Students PK–12

151 products

Showing 73 - 96 of 151 products
Pink littleBits i28 accelerometer.Pink littleBits i28 accelerometer side view.
Orange littleBits w5 MIDI bit.Orange littleBits w5 MIDI bit side view.
Pink littleBits i13 light sensor bit.Pink littleBits i13 light sensor bit side view.
littleBits o13 fanlittleBits o13 fan connected to green bit side view.
Orange littleBits w9 proto bit.Orange littleBits w9 proto bit side view.
littleBits o19 RGB LEDGreen littleBits o19 RGB LED bit side view.
littleBits w26 codeBitOrange littleBits w26 codeBit side view.
Orange littleBits w18 control voltage.Orange littleBits w18 control voltage side view.
littleBits XL Mounting Board with holes.
Orange littleBits w19 split bit.Orange littleBits w19 split bit side view.
Pink littleBits oscillator bit.Pink littleBits oscillator bit side view.
Orange littleBits w10 inverter bit.Orange littleBits w10 inverter bit side view.
Blue p4 littleBits power bit.
Group of grey littleBits brick adapter.
Orange littleBits w29 perf bit.Orange littleBits w29 perf bit side view.
littleBits o21 numberGreen littleBits o21 number bit side view.
Green littleBits o7 IR LED.Green littleBits o7 IR LED side view.
Pink littleBits i11 pressure sensor bit.Pink littleBits i11 pressure sensor bit side view.
Orange littleBits w8 latch bit.Orange littleBits w8 latch bit side view.
Pink littleBits i18 motion trigger.Pink littleBits i18 motion trigger side view.
Pink littleBits i17 timeout bit.Pink littleBits i17 timeout bit side view.