Sphero Team
Maker Space craft created by students.

School libraries are transforming -- often from monolithic reading rooms to innovation hubs. And while it’s a common misconception that STEAM education starts in the classroom and “ends up” in common spaces like the library, you may be surprised to know that librarians are often responsible for starting and scaling makerspaces in schools and districts.

The Norwood Public School District took this approach at Callahan Elementary School and Oldham Elementary School with the creation of a library makerspace. It has enabled students and teachers in both schools to use technology to meet the learning needs and styles of all students, to think critically and solve problems, and to innovate and create new ideas.  

“It’s been two years now, and our makerspace has grown quickly into a place for all students to build, make, and exercise their creative muscles" said Aaron Reuland, library teacher at Norwood Public School District, Callahan Elementary School and Oldham Elementary School. "From coding to hands-on experimentation, and arts-and-crafts, it has become a hub for innovation.”

Read the full case study to find out how the Norwood Public School District transformed their library to incorporate an innovate makerspace.